
Hi! My name is Remy, welcome to my portfolio! I’m a Data Scientist with work experience in healthcare and medical research. I’m a skilled machine learning practitioner, with a demonstrated interest in creating clear and engaging visualizations, as I’m sure you’ll see from the projects living here on the portfolio. Team-oriented, solution-driven, and inquisitive, I earned my BSc in Physics and minor in Economics from The University of British Columbia in 2018.

I approach data science through a rigorous, scientific lens motivated by my academic background. This allows me to translate my creativity and problem solving skills into clear and actionable insights for my team. In every scenario, I always strive for deeper understanding of the data, allowing me to use the best tool for the job, and communicate key insights to shareholders. I love to explore, inform, support and build solutions to drive high level decision-making.

I love to spend my spare time watching NBA basketball, following the video game industry, cooking and traveling the world.